





智能井房的功能:  漏电保护   电机保护    防雷击保护   远进程遥控 防窃电    计电、计时、计水方式
Functions of intelligent well room: leakage protection, motor protection, lightning protection, remote control, electricity stealing, time and water metering
Functional features:
立柱式农灌智能控制装置外壳材质有钢筋水磨石、玻璃钢和大理石。  具有防盗窃,防破坏功能。电源线通过地下电缆沟与箱体下空心柱和 箱体连接,电源 线不裸露。
The shell material of column type agricultural irrigation intelligent control device is reinforced terrazzo, fiberglass and marble. It has anti-theft and anti-damage functions. The power line is connected with the hollow column under the box and the box through the underground cable trench, and the power line is not exposed.
每台射频空置装置控制单眼机井水泵电机。实现一机可用多卡、一卡可用于多机;各村 之间不能混用。
Each radio frequency vacancy device controls the motor of the well water pump of the single hole machine. Realize that one machine can be used with multiple cards and one card can be used with multiple machines; villages cannot mix.
能实现在一个用水户正在使用的状态下,其它用水户可以刷卡查询自 己卡中的信息, 但不会影响正在使用的用水户的正常使用。   功能规格齐全,有“计电方式”、“计时方式”、“计水方式”等。
It can realize that when one water user is in use, other water users can swipe their cards to query the information in their cards, but it will not affect the normal use of the water user in use. The functions and specifications are complete, including "electricity metering method", "timing method", "water metering method", etc.
With lightning protection function, it can ensure the safe operation of the controller in thunderstorm season.
具有开机确认功能,可实现一次刷卡或两次刷卡后开机启动水泵(用户可选)。一张设 置卡完成区域设置。具备断电保护功能。用户在使用时,如果突然断电,控制器内的数据不会丢失,来电后 用户可以继续使用。
With the start-up confirmation function, it can realize the start-up of the water pump after one or two swiping of the card (optional for the user). A setup card completes the locale. It has power-off protection function. When the user is in use, if the power is cut off suddenly, the data in the controller will not be lost, and the user can continue to use after the call.
具备电机保护功能,农村电网经常发生断电、三相不平衡等故障,针对这一状况,该产 品设有三种保护;   断相保护,当出现断相故障时,2秒内控制器自动断电。
With the function of motor protection, the rural power grid often has power failure, three-phase imbalance and other faults. In view of this situation, the product is equipped with three types of protection; phase failure protection, when the phase failure occurs, the controller will automatically power off within 2 seconds.


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版权 © 河北机井房厂 网址:http://jijingfang.37ix.com.cn 推荐:机井房,智能防盗机井房,玻璃钢模压机井房
